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Staying Safe: Things You Can Do To Protect Your Home

Sharon Monticello

Sharon Monticello is native to one of California's most picturesque areas— Petaluma, nestled in the heart of wine country, has been home to Sharon's...

Sharon Monticello is native to one of California's most picturesque areas— Petaluma, nestled in the heart of wine country, has been home to Sharon's...

Feb 5 3 minutes read

With much of Northern California still impacted by the rash of fires that have scorched swaths of land, a lot of homeowners and families are left devastated by the damage. While natural disasters cannot be avoided, there are things you can do to make sure to protect yourself and your family from great harm. Here are some tips that are good to remember.

Image Source: Pexels

Assess your home's risks.

Can your house withstand heavy rainfall, flooding, hurricanes or earthquakes? Have a professional inspect your home, including the foundation and landscaping, so that you have an idea of what repairs or changes you might need to do to ensure that your home is well fortified. Keeping your foundations checked for signs of weakness or damage is also important in maintaining their integrity.

Image Source: Pixabay

Know the utility points in your home.

Do you know where the gas mains and fuse boxes are? Gas leaks and electrical fires are a common hazard during natural disasters, and these can be avoided by shutting off power and the gas pipe. Here's a guide by SoCal on how you can locate and shut off your gas meter in an emergency.

Image Source: Pexels

Secure large furniture

In the event of an earthquake or tornado, the shaking of walls or heaving of the ground can cause large furniture such as television sets, refrigerators, and closets to topple and cause harm or additional damage. Consider investing in earthquake-proof furniture, or bolt them down if necessary.

Image Source: Pexels

Prepare your home

Preparing your home before disaster strikes is the key to ensuring your safety and that of your family. If you live in an area at a high risk for wildfire, for example, treating your walls or sidings with fire-retardant chemicals or changing your panes to tempered glass  could spell the difference between the risk for a burning house and safety. Protect your pipes and use flexible fittings to avoid gas and water leaks during earthquakes or landslides.

Image Source: Pixabay

Prepare yourselves

No preparation can be as effective as keeping yourselves mentally ready when disaster strikes. Have an emergency plan for family communication in case people are separated. Identify or create a safe room in the house where the family can converge during natural disasters, and keep it stocked and supplied with an emergency supply kit as well as a portable radio. This resource from CalFire recommends websites for Emergency Preparedness that you can review as well.

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